White Dial Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 / 1A-011 Replica Watch

Men talk about watches together. It must be Rolex that is the most discussed. Some people may disdain to say that only people who know Rolex don’t understand watches. But in any case, Rolex is the dream of many men. The appearance of the watch is the same as that of the person. Although the quality of the movement is also an important criterion, the appearance that can be remembered at a glance will always win. If the public recognizes the appearance of Rolex, then the replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 watch we are talking about today has an ultra-high resolution.

The popularity of Patek Philippe Nautilus in recent years is not to be underestimated, and more and more people are beginning to like it. Although Rolex is as popular as ever, Nautilus also has the posture to prevail. Nautilus watches are diverse in style and can be used for both business and leisure. So this replica Patek Philippe Nautilus brought today, I will give you a detailed explanation of the workmanship and performance.

This replica Patek Philippe Nautilus 5711 / 1A-011 watch uses a simple white dial. The white luminous scale is matched with black strokes. The texture is delicate and playful, simple without dead corners; black and white are distinct and extremely harmonious. The table diameter is 40mm, the size is quite satisfactory, and the girls are also very suitable. This replica Patek Philippe’s case is made of stainless steel, and the bezel is decorated with brushed front and side polished to give a full sense of layering and high-end appearance.

The sapphire glass mirror surface is coated with anti-glare film, and the mirror surface has the effect of high transparency and high definition. It can read comfortably at any angle. Nautilus is equipped with a unique case, which is neither round nor rectangular, with a round, octagonal bezel design. And there are two bolts on the left and right sides, which are symmetrically distributed on both sides like two ears from a distance. The disc surface is decorated with parallel plywood texture, and the horizontal stripes make the disc surface more three-dimensional, not monotonous.

The most classic three-hand time display function, black and white matching, not only makes the dial simple and beautiful but also has high readability on any occasion. The bar metal hour markers are embedded in the dial, which is delicate and orderly, simple, and efficient. The hour hand, minute hand, and time scale are filled with white fluorescent material, and the time can be easily read at night. The beauty of the sense makes this Patek Philippe replica watch look more dynamic.

The crown is a spiral, which is more waterproof. The front face of the crown is engraved with a cross-shaped case, the outside of the crown is polished with anti-skid threads, and the shoulders are designed on both sides to fix the upper and lower case. The stainless steel case is durable, durable, and resistant to scratches. The bottom cover of this watch adopts a transparent design, the movement adopts Cal.324 movement, and its structure conforms to the original structure.

This Patek Philippe replica watch’s bracelet uses a brushed process. The texture is light and thin. This is a unique watch. This Patek Philippe replica watch reveals perfect elegance and texture.